This virtual tour starts 627m above sea level at the summit of Hirakimata Mt Hobson. There are stunning 360 degree views across Great Barrier Island to the Coromandel Peninsula, Little Barrier Island & The Poor Knights islands.
Other locations included in this tour are Port Fitzroy, Whangapoua Beach, Harataonga Bay, Awana Bay, Whangaparapara, Medlands Beach & Tryphena Bay.
A good internet connection is recommended, to preserve image quality file sizes are 2 – 6Mb.
After starting the tour you can click on to enter full screen mode.
Zoom in and out using your mouse wheel, left click & hold to look all around each scene.
Double click on a particular spot to zoom in to that location.
Click the arrows to go to another location
Hovering over an info button will show information on that location
Click the video icon to view video for the selected location.
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